Attractive pricing for every bridge club


Bridgemate pricing

All prices are suggested retail prices, and are excluding VAT, local taxes, import duties and freight charges. Prices may vary per country due to currency exchange variations and local taxes and duties. Extra services added to the product may also cause differentiation in pricing. Additional products and services may not be available in all countries. Please contact your local distributor for exact pricing and a quotation tailored to your needs.

Bridgemate II€ 156,-

Bridgemate II scoring device

Bridgemate II scoring device for easy scoring of all your bridge games. Elegant flat design with a wide screen provides a great user experience. One device needed per table. Includes 2 AA batteries and 1 year warranty.

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Accessories for Bridgemate II

Bridgemate II server
€ 255,-

Wireless base station for the Bridgemate II scoring system. Connects to the computer through USB cable (included).

Bridgemate II carrying case

€ 84,-

Stylish and convient carrying and storage case for Bridgemate II. Holds up to 25 Bridgemates and one server.

Bridgemate Pro€ 70,-

Bridgemate Pro scoring device (refurbished)

The original Bridgemate pro scoring device. Robuust and easy to use device for quick and straightforward scoring of all your bridge games. Product is refurbished and as good as new. 1 Bridgemate per table needed. 4 AAA batteries and 1 year warranty included.

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Accessories for Bridgemate Pro

Bridgemate Pro server (new)

€ 255,-

Wireless base station for the Bridgemate Pro scoring system. Including USB-serial converter and power adapter.

Tournament director's key (TD-key)

€ 6,-

Special key for the TD to configure the Bridgemate Pro, enter adjusted scores and edit/view/remove scores.

Bridgemate Pro server (refurbished)

€ 165,-

Refurbished wireless base station for Bridgemate Pro. (including converter and adapter, product may differ from image)

Carrying case for Bridgemate Pro

€ 84,-

Convenient carrying case for the Bridgemate Pro system. Holds up to 20 Bridgemates Pro and 1 server.

Communications cable

€ 35,-

Serial communications cable to connect the Bridgemate Pro directly to the computer.

USB-serial converter

€ 39,-

Converter to connect the Bridgemate Pro server and communications cable to the USB port. (included with server)

Additional products and services

Magic Contest scoring program

Full-featured scoring program for pairs and teams games. Supports all features of Bridgemate II and Bridgemate Pro. Including 2-year support package.

€ 315,-

Extended warranty

Extend the standard 1-year warranty to 3 years. Only valid for the Bridgemate II scoring system.

€ 18,- per Bridgemate

Credits for Bridgemate app scoring and Bridgemate Play


Credits are used to process board results entered on the Bridgemate app and on the Bridgemate Play platform. One credit is consumed for each score entered in Bridgemate app, five credits are consumed for each board played on Bridgemate Play. Purchased credits do not have an expiry date and can be used freely for Bridgemate app or Bridgemate Play.
Example: A typical game of 6 tables and 24 boards requires 6 x 24 x 1 = 144 credits when Bridgemate app scoring is used, and 6 x 24 x 5 = 720 credits when this game is played online at Bridgemate Play. See Bridgemate Play pricing for more information.

1.000 credits

Process 1.000 Bridgemate app board results or 200 Bridgemate Play board results.

€ 21,- (0,021 per credit)

5.000 credits

Process 5.000 Bridgemate app board results or 1.000 Bridgemate Play board results.

€ 90,- (0,018 per credit)

10.000 credits

Process 10.000 Bridgemate app board results or 2.000 Bridgemate Play board results.

€ 160,- (0,016 per credit)

25.000 credits

Process 25.000 Bridgemate app board results or 5.000 Bridgemate Play board results.

€ 375,- (0,015 per credit)


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